Ribolla Gialla


Very ancient vine cultivated in Friuli Venezia Giulia in the provinces of Gorizia and Udine, in the Slovenian hills of the “Goriska Brda” and, for the past, in Istria.
Ribolla Gialla

The Story

Historical sources from the Middle Ages to the modern age are in agreement: Ribolla was a wine.
Ribolla Gialla

The Cuttings

If Italy is a world leader, and Friuli Venezia Giulia is a leader in Italy, the obvious consequence is that our region is a world leader.
Giovane pianta di Ribolla Gialla
Vigne di Ribolla Gialla fra le colline
Ribolla Gialla

The Vineyard of Friuli

Eleven denominations of origin for the “Friuli Vineyard” which covers an area of over 16 thousand hectares. 24,000 employees take care of it.
Ribolla Gialla

Research & Development

Ribollagialla.org aims to present the Ribolla Gialla, its producers and all the other actors that, with their value, make the Friuli Venezia Giulia wine production chain unique in its kind.
Pali da vigna piantati in una giornata di nebbia

How to use it

To fully appreciate the characteristics of the wine it is necessary that it is served correctly. The matter is more complex than expected, so complex that it allowed the creation of a profession originated in France but diffused and regarded all around the world: the Sommelier.
Mettiti in Contatto

Contact Us


Address: Udine (UD) – Friuli Venezia Giulia
Website: www.centroserviziweb.info
Email: dreas@centroserviziweb.info
How to reach us: click here.


Address: Udine (UD) – Friuli Venezia Giulia
Website: www.ribollagialla.org
Email: info@ribollagialla.org – dreas@ribollagialla.org

Project leader: Doriano Dreas M. +39 3286548737

Our thanks to the Enti della Regione Autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia which have authorized the use of their informative and photographic material.

Our thanks to Dr. Claudio Fabbro, agronomist and journalist specialized in the food industry, for his precious collaboration, and to Dr. Enos Costantini, teacher and writer with various publications, some oft hem dedicated exclusively to the Ribolla Gialla.

From the material provided by the organizations and the collaborations, we excerpted interesting sections by Bepi Pucciarelli, a well-known wine and food journalist, and by Rodolfo Rizzi, president of Assoenologi Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Io Sono Friuli Venezia Giulia

PROGETTO: Centro Servizi Web SrlS - Sede Operativa: Via I° Maggio 12, Terenzano (UD) - P.Iva 02871400301 - dreas@centroserviziweb.info
Responsabile Commerciale - Doriano Dreas - Cell.re 328 6548737 - PRIVACY POLICY